Monday, November 16, 2009

Jilly & A Scarf Along

Jill's sleeping has gotten better. But certainly not before it got worse.

She continued to wake up every 1.5 hours through the night...for oh, let's say...about TWO WEEKS.


Remember those first days you brought your baby home?

Remember how you were just a walking zombie?

Remember how you were so tired, it HURT?

Yeah, like that.

Add in a second infant and a two year who's ready for the day at 6:30 a.m.

Like I said...brutal.

BUT, I think I figured it out!


If I put her on her tummy to sleep, she can manage to get her Paci back in...or at the very least can get her hands in her mouth.

Apparently she was like a turtle on it's back before.

And apparently she didn't like it.

She's still waking up often, but if I give her a couple of minutes, she figures herself out and passes back out.


In other news, I'm doing Julie's Scarf Along.

A pretty simple project that I probably don't need the detailed instructions for, but maybe I can pick up a tip here or there.

After all, I learned how to sew by literally buying a machine, opening up the instruction manual and reading.

So to be honest, I think I do a lot of things the hard way.

Which is probably why I pretty much hate sewing.

Anyway, by the time I'm done, I should have 8 scarves.

If you are female and related to me, don't be surprised if one of these finds its way into your Christmas gift.

All of my fabrics are from Amy Butler's newest line: Love.

Be excited.

And I just had to include these pictures because these girls are just so fun I can't stand it.


Joanie said...

Oh! Playing footsie!

joy said...

the girls in the bumbo are so cute! so you're doing the scarf thing? i thought about it. still thinking....

Emma said...

your girlies are just divine! i love the little foot hugging...too cute! xxx

Lindsey said...

hey! Can I be related to you?!