Wednesday, September 2, 2009


You have GOT to read this article. (Don't worry, it's short).

The next headline would have read "Woman Kills Man with Bare Hands" if that had been me.



andy gibson said...

Beating the crap out of that guy would have been worth the night or two in county jail.....

Diana Fabricio said...

i would of i dont know why that lady didnt! she could of atleast bit him lol!!!!!!
He would of never done that to some black ladies kid she would of beat his Ass!!!!!!!!

Brianna Heldt said...

WHAT?! Who on earth HITS SOMEONE ELSE'S KID? That's the strangest thing I've heard in a long, long time. Just awful. I wish she would have hit him too!!!

joy said...

that is awful. just plain awful. angry man.

Mama Mote said...

Yeah. This was so awful. I was almost surprised someone else didn't pound him, but then people don't like to get involved these days. Glad the child is okay, though.

Kristen said...

Terrible!! If that would happen anywhere, it would happen at a WalMart though...just sayin'...One MORE reason not to shop at that place!

Lisa Leonard said...

oh my gosh!! the man is crazy. and you are so dang funny!