Friday, July 10, 2009

Water Water Everywhere...

Pretty sure my water just broke.

I know, I am I not 100% positive??? Well, I am positive...but it's just so different than when it happened with Henry. With Henry, it was like in the movies...a huge gush...but this time its more just trickling...kinda like I'm peeing...except that I'm not.

I had lost my "plug" this morning at 9...water broke by 1:15.

I'm really upset though.

We were JUST at Costco buying a few things...I would have LOVED for my water to break right next to the 5 gallon jugs of mayonnaise! Wouldn't that be so funny???!!! Would have made for a fantastic story! Dang...

Anyway, no contractions yet. Just gonna see if I can squeeze in a nap and load up on some protein and carbs to carry me through. I'll be sure to update as we move along in this process!

Pray for a easy and uneventful birth...that doesn't last a ridiculously long time! :)


Rachel Slagle said...

hooray!! praying for you and your little girlies :)

Unknown said...

Praying as I write this! Yay for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Woo- HOO! Wasn't sure what to think after Andy's facebook comment... it's real! :-)
Do us all a favor, and keep us posted throughout the labor and delivery. If anyone can do it, YOU can!! :-) (You do have an internet connection at French...)

Tracy Regusci said...

YEAH BABIES- cant wait to come hold them!

Serenity Now said...

oh thank GOD!!! you showed that induction date didn't ya? I'm so thinking happy and good labor thoughts for you - GOOD LUCK GIRL - HUGSSSS!!!!

Jacquelyn said...

Praying for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aron said...

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :) good luck and thinking about you LOTS!!

Joanie said...

PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We will be lifting you, Andy, Henry and the girls up in prayer.

Now, go show them all how it's done.

Mama Mote said...

Oh Boy! Soon, soon, soon! Alright, girlies! It's time to meet your mama...and all the rest of us. :)

joy said...

Yay! They're almost here and we get to find out their names. I'm praying and checking the blog obsessively.

Sue-Ellen said...

that's too exciting!! all our best wishes to you all and can't wait to see pictures of the girls...and the happy big brother!
scott and sue-ellen

Larissa said...

You can add my prayers and excitement and obsessive blog checking to the list! =)

Rachel said...

:)Happy tears for you!

jenny said...

I've been praying last night and today that you would start labor on your own! Hooray for a great God!

Sugar Plum Invitations said...

So exciting!!! I guess not as exciting as having twins in Costco.. but exciting none the less! b

Kate said...

yea. so so excited for you. hang in there.

Brianna Heldt said...

hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and that would have been sweet to have your water break all over costco's floor.) :)

i know you're doing a great job in labor and OH MY GOODNESS you're going to have TWO BABIES at the end of it! yayyyyyyyyyyy!

Ella said...

Good luck! ELVs!!! I will keep checking back here. We miss you on the boards but are glad you are doing ok.

Ellarie (Mkgrl)

Debbie said...

When I was pregnant with Donna, my Lamaze teacher said to put a jar of pickles in the cart first thing when grocery shopping. That way if my water broke I could just drop the pickles and everyone would think it was pickle juice on the floor. Sorry about the broken glass though!

We're praying and cheering you on!