Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Son

Dear Henry,

My how time has flown! I know it sounds so cliche, and you will soon tire of hearing it over the next 21 years, but it seems like just yesterday that you were born. We reminisced off and on all day yesterday, looking at the clock and remarking at what we were doing at this precise moment, only one year ago. And then, at one a.m., the sweetest little boy was born to parents who were so so so blessed to meet you. I will never forget watching your daddy hold a tiny little boy and hearing him say 'Hello, Son.'

I am forever amazed and reminded at God's glory and mercy when I look at your tiny little hands, and your silly little smile. Henry, you have been such a joy. I knew I would love you. But I never anticipated how my heart would literally hurt somedays with the love I have for you. I am your mother, and while you may one day push me away because your friends are there, I will never tire of kissing your sweet little cheeks or squeezing you so tight, you get mad.

Son, I pray every night that you will be a man of God's Kingdom. That you will come to trust the Lord at a young age and that you will have a compassionate soul and a servant's heart. I pray that you will be a man who thinks of others first and always does the noble thing, even if it is not the easy thing. I pray that you will forgive me for all the ways that I will fail you. For the things I will not teach you that I should have, and for the things you learned from me, that you should not have. I pray that for every time I fail you, that for every time I am not the model I should be, that everytime I let my emotions get the best of me, that you know that I am doing my best and that I am accutely aware that my best isn't good enough. But it is only by the Grace of God that I will even remotely succeed at this awesome gift of parenting. Your daddy and I have been entrusted to raise and care for you, and I take that privelege very seriously. Please know that even on the days you will get yelled at when you didn't actually do it, and on the days that you are convinced I hate you, and on the days that I am being completely unfair...that even if I am wrong, that I love you more than you will ever understand. It will not be until the day that you hold your own tiny baby and say "hello son", that you will ever get a glimpse of how I feel when I look at my sweet little boy.

And that, dear Henry, is what you will always be to your mommy. My sweet, sweet little boy.

Happy Birthday son.

With more love than I knew I had in me,


Lisa Leonard said...

He was such a little pipsqueak! Hapy Birthday Henry!!

Aron said...

ohhh the sweetest post ever!!! happy birthday henry!!!

Sugar Plum Invitations said...

Happy Birthday Hen.. you're getting bigger and stronger everyday! Hugs! B & T

Diana Fabricio said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! To the best nephew in the world... well the only one for now! heehe

joy said...

happy birthday, hen! what a joy you are. a very sweet prayer, jeannett.

Carrie Haughey said...

Happy birthday Henry! I am glad we share a special day!! :0)

Rachel Slagle said...

happy birthday henry! :)

Larissa said...

What a beautiful post! Happy Birthday Henry!!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday little guy!!

We all love you dearly!!

The Buchanan Clan

Unknown said...

Yes Jeannett--it is amazing the amount of love that we are capable of sharing. I feel the same way about my children--even now! I am sure it all pales in comparison to God's love for us!! How lucky are we all!!

Love you

Joanie said...

Well said! Happy Birthday!