Henry's surgery is in just a few short days (Thursday to be exact) and in an effort to keep him healthy and sickies free, I have put him on strict house arrest. He hasn't been allowed to go anywhere...so if I have to run an errand, either Andy has to do it, or I wait until he's home so that he can stay home with Bubble Boy.
Luckily the weather has been nice so we spend a lot of time in the backyard, so he doesn't seem to have cabin fever yet. I, on the other hand...
Interesting update on his heart surgery:
We were told that we would have to stay overnight for monitoring...but apparently Henry is the first on the surgery docket that morning...which means that he should be having it done by about 8-8:30 a.m. (we have to be at UCLA by 6:30) Assuming he doesn't have a reaction or things don't look wonky, we could be discharged late THAT same afternoon! (I guess that originally he wasn't going to be first on the schedule so that's why we were going to have to stay overnight). This is fantastic...I was wondering how on earth I was going to get ANY sleep in a hospital chair 31.5 weeks pregnant with twins...now it doesn't look like I have to worry!
My OB insists on me taking a copy of all of my prenatal records and even my hospital bag. Just. in. case. I don't *think* I'll be going into labor, but I'll bring everything with me and hope that my preparedness means I don't need it after all (because you know if I leave it all at home is when I'll need it!).
we will continue to pray all goes well with Henry AND with you and the girls! hugs, Priscilla
We will be praying for all five of you - and the surgical team too!
If I were here that day, I would come and find you and sit with you, but I'll be in OR. But I will pray for you, Henry and the girls and, of course, Andy, too. Love you, Gibsons
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