Remember how I said I was a cheapskate and hate paying for things I can do myself? Well, here was my latest wild idea. I'd make my OWN diapee & wipee! I had left over fabric from Henry's bedding...PERFECT!
Okay, now for the rub: I used the minky fabric for the inside thinking it was cute...nice idea in theory, but it makes it hard to slide a diaper in and out. Also, I didn't really plan for width...so it's a really snug fit to get the wipes and one diaper. I had hoped to be able to fit two diapers. Poop.
Don't look close at my seams or the debacle that is the button hole. It's hideous craftsmanship, but I suppose it's better than spending $15 +tax! I think...
I'm gonna leave the sewing to my more talented friend Lindsey from now on...
Nice work. I'm impressed, even if you can't fit two diapers.
I also got tired of carrying the huge diaper bag everywhere, and ended up putting a diaper and wipes into my purse for short trips.
The way I figure it, practice makes perfect. (Although I'm sure Lindsey came out of the womb carrying her sewing machine with her) Just think, when Henry's diapers get to be too big for the cute little bag you made, you can take another crack at it!
Don't you like the way I never met you but always check your blog. I'm addicted to blogs and have to keep clicking until I find something new. I can always count on you! Anyway, I carry a ziplock with two diapers and an almost empty container of Costco wipes in my purse. I also leave that at the nursery at church. I write my kids name on it and my name too. It makes it easier on them and it is easier on me since I am already lugging two kids with me. Obviously the sewed bag is super cute, I'm just always looking for shortcuts.
Rachel-Glad I can be of service! :)
I too thought about the ziploc bag, but the cute factor wins out for me.
i can't believe you sewed with minky! i never have, but i've heard it is soo hard. i think it looks great. maybe if you make another make it a bit wider too since the diapers keep getting bigger as the boy gets bigger;)! great gift idea, hmm, maybe for julie? she's due in february.
I do think it would be a great baby shower gift idea...for YOU to make people! And you can also make hooter hiders!
I'll stick to cooking...between the two of us we can spoil new mommies!
Minky and Brocade are HORRIBLE to sew with! Considering you aren't a seasoned sewer, you did GREAT! I truly mean it!!!! That fabric is awesome!
pretty cute! nothing i make every turns out perfect. there's some Indian culture that purposefully puts mistakes in their baskets/blankets/etc. because they say only God is perfect and can create perfect things.
yeah, that's why i do it too. ;)
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