Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bathtime with Daddy

Because it's been a while since I've posted pictures for grandmas.

All clean!


Rachel Slagle said...

Henry is too cute for words! I love how he sucks his little thumb while getting a bath :)

andy gibson said...

Um, I'm going to need you to crop that fourth picture, there is a little bit too much little man waist. Some people might be tempted....

Just kidding. Wow, I'm bad...sorry PT.

Kristen Borland said...

he's adorable!!!

Mary Kay said...

OK - this Grandma is thanking you for the pics. May I please have a copy of the last black and white one - my boys looking at each other - just too cute.

I'm so sorry about the babysitter stuff. Wish you'd give me a call and I could at least pray. You have learned the best lesson for a mommy and that is to listen to her intuition. That's why God gave it to us!

Hang in there, Jeannett. Love you all.

Brianna Heldt said...

hehehe, andy your comment made me laugh.

so cute!