Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mommy's Little Bird

So, this whole time I thought I was going to have this giant kid. Not only was he not giant, he is technically a preemie. But barely. He was born at 36 weeks and 6 days. 37 weeks is considered full term. He was 5 lbs. 9 oz. Full size babies are 6 lbs. So, he's premature by 1 day and 7 ounces. But, he's healthy and fine...just little. I call him my little bird. He has this squeaky little cry...until he gets really mad and then he sounds like a teradactyl (spelling?). Everyone comments on how tiny he is...and he is, but since he's my first, he doesn't seem THAT little to me. Until I see 10 pound babies who all look like monsters compared to Henry. Anyway, I took some pictures. The yellow teddy bear in the photo is a little larger than a Beanie if that gives you some context for size. I'm trying to think of what I could lay next to him for a sense of scale, but I can't think of anything...


Marcia Fiedorowicz said...

master henry is way too adorable to be a newborn!!! babies are ugly. keely looked like an orangutan (sp?). colin looked like a 90 year old man. master henry looks like a tiny 3 month old. wow.

so i need your address so i can have christian ship you the little deal i made him. i'm going to knit him an outfit for the winter months. he will wear it if you like it or not :)

okay, i'm in pain. call me when you aren't feeding or sleeping... for our obligtory 6 week calls :)

lindsey said...

ohhhh, so cute!

can you please take a pic of your baby bedding for me?

Jacquelyn said...

Pictures!! Finally!! I didn't get to see him with his eyes open, I don't know which is cuter. Put him next to a baseball cap if you need some scale. They are a standard size.

Brenda Williams said...

Congratulations on sweet baby Henry! He is SO cute!
There is nothing like a new tiny baby - I so loved and treasured my babies in the newborn stage. Before you know it he'll be a "monster" baby too - My little guy is already 16.5 pounds!

Liz said...

He has your nose. Does he look more like you or Andy?

Kristen Borland said...

my sister put a water bottle next to her 6lb baby to give us an idea of how little he was. you should do a picture with that. oh, he's soooo cute! and can i say again how much i love the name henry!!

(also, the picture with andy in the last post made him look soooo small!)