...keeps the high blood pressure away?
I'm not so sure this is working. I've been eating/drinking a full cucumber every day since last Wednesday. Okay, not that long, but for five days anyway. I mentioned before that I got a juicer, which makes the consumption of a cucumber a much more manageable task. I'll admit that it's not the yummiest of liquids, but it's also not the worst thing in the world. Besides, if I just close my eyes and chug, it's over in 30 seconds...as opposed to spending hours trying to finish it by eating slices.
In any case, I took my blood pressure at Target today (you know in the pharmacy section where they have those little seats that you put your arm in the cuff?)...anyway, it was 147/87. That's high. Then again, it had been a busy day at work...I had gone home to unwind for about an hour before going to Target, but that's still high. Anyway, not sure this is working.
I keep waking up every morning looking like a cross between Donald Duck and a bad celebrity collagen lip job. My lips are so swollen I don't quite recognize myself. Luckily, the swelling goes down noticeably by the time I leave for work, so I think that's good. I'm tempted to take a picture tomorrow morning, but my vanity may keep me from posting it. I wouldn't mind all my girlfriends seeing it, but who knows who else lurks my blog??!! We'll see...I'll think about it...it is pretty funny looking if nothing else.
In any case, I feel a bit like a Macy's Day Parade balloon...just tie some strings to me and the kids will have great fun watching me float above them like a giant Big Bird or something. Isn't pregnancy grand?!
I know pregnancy can be hard... but I'm coming out as the voice of reason to say ALL WORTH IT!!! I was actually on bed rest for my high blood pressure for a month at the end of my last pregnancy, (luckily I was never told about the cucumber idea.. I still don't exactly get that) But I would go through it all again for my children. I know, you already know this, and it's not helping.. but hang in there, you are in the final stretch and you're doing great :)
Isn't it weird that we probably started this pregnancy all healthy and perfect, but then as it progressed, things get a little complicated? My friend, who is one month behind me, also has a high blood pressure problem. She cleared the Gestational Diabetes test by one point though. I, don't blood pressure problems, but have the GD going on.
P.S. I took out the full-length mirror in our bedroom. It's in the garage and that is where it will stay until I lose all of this weight. :-)
Cham! Hi!
I know, I seriously jinxed myself when I totally thought I had the world's easiest pregnancy...never got sick, no major issues, just a little insomnia that was annoying but better than throwing up all the time...and now, in the seventh inning stretch, all hell breaks loose!
knowing how i felt when i was super pregnant, i'd rather be a macy's parade balloon because at least then i'd be weightless and not waddling around uncomfortably! :)
hang in there!!!
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