As you may have noticed in previous posts, Andy and his mom like to give each other grief about their respective political parties. Andy (and I) are pretty staunch republicans. Andy's mom, is quite the democrat. He calls her a hippie. She calls him a redneck. Neither description is really accurate, but it's become a bit of a joke between the two of them.
When we first found out we were pregnant, Andy's mom sent us a package. Inside was this little onesie and a card with the following note:
"I was doing research and found that the bleeding-heart-liberal-hippie gene skips a generation! So I had to buy this for the new little Democrat you're hatching! How about Rainbow Skye Gibson for a name?"
Very cute and very funny. Unfortunately, while I will allow our son to wear this shirt (because it is cute), this is a different shirt that I have ordered (in blue of course) that is a bit more appropriate:
I think it'll be perfect for the birth announcement, don't you? :) (Just kidding.)
Haha, that is great. I better see baby boy Gibson wearing that tie-dye onesie b/c I think it's really awesome!
(I bought Kaitlyn a special onesie to wear several weeks ago that I can't wait to break out, it is sweet. I think I will photograph it and blog about it soon.)
YOU'RE gonna blog? No way...
love the rebulican shirt! hee, hee! not much for tie-dye myself, but the story is pretty good!
seriously, brianna, where have you been? it's not like you've been busy or anything. sheesh, it's only four kids... ;)
Hehe, I know, I've been not blogging for a long time now! A big part of it is that Kevin's working from home which means he's using the computer 9-10 hours a day, and by nighttime I'm too tired to do anything productive!
I AM wanting to blog with pictures my labor/birth experience, and now one about the onesie. All in good time I guess!
Just look how Andy turned on being raised as a Democrat, so you can be sure your son will do the opposite of how you train him. Payback is heck!
If he wears that shirt when he visits me, the cats may eat it or shred it. Just something to think about!
Love you guys!
Mary Kay/Mom/Grandma
You really shouldn't admit to anyone that you have cats...
I know, Jeannett, but after 8 months of marriage living here with them, I'm tolerating them pretty well. I can hardly believe I wrote that! When your son comes to visit, he can pull their tails and we'll watch them run away.
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